The Sea cucumber Blog | なまこブログ

なまこ等の生き物図鑑。The photographic guide to animals, including sea cucumbers.


コブヒトデ / Protoreaster nodosus

コブヒトデ。Protoreaster nodosusScientific Name : Protoreaster nodosus Family: Oreasteridae Order: Valvatida Photo taken at Toba Aquarium

Horned Sea Star / コブヒトデ

コブヒトデ コブヒトデ。 太平洋西部からインド洋のサンゴ礁に生息。 コブヒトデの両隣にいるのは、マンジュウヒトデです! Horned Sea Star. It is found on coral reefs in the Indo-Pacific Oceans. Starfish on both sides of Horned Sea Star are the P…