饅頭ヒトデ。いい感じに膨らんでます。 Pillow cushion star. It's swelling up nicely.Scientific Name : Culcita novaeguineae Family: Oreasteridae Order: Valvatida Photo taken at Tokyo Sea Life Park
Pillow cushion star.Scientific Name : Culcita novaeguineae Family: Oreasteridae Order: Valvatida Photo taken at Enoshima Aquarium
饅頭海星 腕が無くて、饅頭のように丸っこい形をしているヒトデ。 The starfish with no arms and the round shaped body like a manju. (manju: steamed bun with sweet bean filling)Scientific Name : Culcita novaeguineae Family: Oreasteridae Order: …