The Sea cucumber Blog | なまこブログ

なまこ等の生き物図鑑。The photographic guide to animals, including sea cucumbers.


ホオジロカンムリヅル / Grey Crowned Crane

羽を広げる 羽を広げるホオジロカンムリヅル。 これは求愛のポーズです。The Grey Crowned Crane spreading its wings. This is the pose to mate.

Grey crowned crane

親子愛 「段差を登れないヒナに餌をあげる」の巻 Feeding the chick which can't climb up the bump.


髪? 髪伸びたりしないのかな。髪じゃないけど。 Won't their hair ever grow?. It's not hair, though.

Grey crowned crane / ホオジロカンムリヅル

ウニ風 ウニみたいな髪の毛である。髪の毛じゃないけど。 Their hair look like a sea urchin. It's not hair, though.