The Sea cucumber Blog | なまこブログ

なまこ等の生き物図鑑。The photographic guide to animals, including sea cucumbers.


ツマジロナガウニ / Echinometra tsumajiro

棘の先端が白いのでツマジロナガウニと言います。 The main feature of this sea urchin is that the spine tip is white.Scientific Name : Echinometra tsumajiro Family: Echinometridae Order: Echinoida Photo taken at Aquamarine Fukushima

ジンガサウニ / Colobocentrotus mertensii

寄り添うジンガサウニ。 Sea urchins cuddling each other.Scientific Name : Colobocentrotus mertensii Family: Echinometridae Order: Echinoida Photo taken at Tokyo Sea Life Park

Slate pencil urchin / パイプウニ

パイプウニ。 夜行性で昼間は岩の間に潜む。 岩陰に潜伏中は、キャッチ結合組織の働きによってトゲは強力に固定さていれる。Slate pencil urchin. It is nocturnal and remains hidden behind rocks during the day. While hiding in rocks, needles are fix…